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Aantal resultaten: 39( DE:"biseksuele ouderen" )


Coming of age: gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the second half of life  / guest eds.: Gilbert Herdt, Andrew J. Hostetter, and Bertram J. Cohler.

Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity, 2 (1997) 3/4 (jan), p. 187-308
bron: Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity jaargang: 2 (1997) 3/4 (jan), p. 187-308
samenvatting: Themanummer dat in het teken staat van de steeds groter wordende groep van (openlijk) homo/biseksuele en lesbische ouderen. Er wordt o.a. aandacht besteed aan hun plaats binnen de homo/lesbische gemeenschap, leefsituatie en gewoonten, 'succesful aging', intimiteit en relaties, HIV/aids. Bevat de volgende bijdragen: Gay, lesbian, and bisexual aging into the twenty-first century: an overview and introduction; Partnership, singlehood, and the lesbian and gay life course: a research agenda; Life course diversity among older lesbian and gay men: a study in Chicago; Lesbianism and later life in an Australian sample: how does development of one affect anticipation of the other?; Dyadic adjustment and community involvement in same-sex couples; Experience of older gay and bisexual men living with HIV/AIDS.

signatuur: ts.

Coming of age: gays, lesbians, and bisexuals in the second half of life
guest eds.: Gilbert Herdt, Andrew J. Hostetter, and Bertram J. Cohler.
Journal of Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Identity

Hedda van Gennep : documentairemaker  / Janine van Doorn ; Hedda van Gennep.

Zij aan Zij, 11 (2002) 7 (okt), p. 50-51
bron: Zij aan Zij jaargang: 11 (2002) 7 (okt), p. 50-51
samenvatting: Interview met documentairemaker Hedda van Gennep (73), waarin zij vertelt over de televisieprogramma's die ze gemaakt heeft met onderwerpen die taboe waren in de jaren '80 en haar huwelijk en minnaressen.

signatuur: ts.

Hedda van Gennep : documentairemaker
Janine van Doorn ; Hedda van Gennep.
Zij aan Zij

The Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals : Children to Adults  / 

edited by Ritch C. Savin Williams, Kenneth C. Cohen.Fort Worth [etc.]: Harcour Brace, cop. 1996 - 493 p.
uitgave: Fort Worth [etc.]: Harcour Brace, cop. 1996 - 493 p.
samenvatting: Artikelen seksuele orientatie, (gender) identiteit in relatie tot biologische kenmerken, gezondheid, jeugd en ouderen.

signatuur: cat. (lives/les) b

The Lives of Lesbians, Gays, and Bisexuals : Children to Adults
cat. (lives/les) b
edited by Ritch C. Savin Williams, Kenneth C. Cohen.

Growing Older : The Millennial LGBTs  / ed. by James T. Sears.

Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services, 20 (2008) 1/2, p. 1-202
bron: Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services jaargang: 20 (2008) 1/2 , p. 1-202
samenvatting: [Copies are available from: Haworth Document Delivery Center. The Haworth Press, Inc., 10 Alice Street, Binghamton, NY 13904-1580, USA]

signatuur: ts.

Growing Older : The Millennial LGBTs
ed. by James T. Sears.
Journal of Gay and Lesbian Social Services

Bisexuality in the United States : A Social Science Reader  / 

[ed. by] Paula C. Rodríguez Rust.New York, NY: Columbia University Press, cop. 2000 - xxi, 659 p.
uitgave: New York, NY: Columbia University Press, cop. 2000 - xxi, 659 p.
annotatie: Bibliogr. passim.
samenvatting: For years bisexuality was considered merely a transition stage between a person's presumed sexuality, whether heterosexual or homosexual, and their 'true' sexuality. Bisexuality was therefore regarded with suspicion by the lesbian and gay community and with contempt by the 'straight' world. The study and understanding of bisexuality has surpassed the stereotyped representations of previous eras (e.g., Basic Instinct), but few books attempts seriously to engage the subject as a whole. Paula Rust rectifies the absence in the literature by presenting the first interdisciplinary and comprehensive review of social scientific research and theory about bisexuality.

signatuur: cat. (rust/bis) b


Bisexuality in the United States : A Social Science Reader
cat. (rust/bis) b ODE3
[ed. by] Paula C. Rodríguez Rust.

Older GLBT Family and Community Life: Contemporary Experiences, Realities, and Future Directions  / Guest Editors: Christine A. Fruhauf and Dan Mahoney.

Journal of GLBT Family Studies, 5 (2009) 1/2
bron: Journal of GLBT Family Studies jaargang: 5 (2009) 1/2
samenvatting: [ Copies are available at http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/haworth-journals.asp ]

signatuur: ts.

Older GLBT Family and Community Life: Contemporary Experiences, Realities, and Future Directions
Guest Editors: Christine A. Fruhauf and Dan Mahoney.
Journal of GLBT Family Studies

Oud = Out : Ervaringen van lesbische en biseksuele vrouwen, geboren voor 1945  / 

Ann David en Mips Meyntjens.Antwerpen: 't Verschil, 2009 - 151 p.: ill.
uitgave: Antwerpen: 't Verschil, 2009 - 151 p.: ill.
annotatie: In samenwerking met homo/lesbisch archief en documentatiecentrum Fonds Suzan Daniel. - Deze publicatie kwam tot stand met financiële steun van de Vlaamse overheid en het Oost-Vlaams holebihuis Casa Rosa.
samenvatting: Ervaringen/getuigenissen van lesbische en biseksuele vrouwen, geboren voor 1945. Midden jaren '90 werden deze vrouwen geïnterviewd door Ann David en Mips Meyntjes. Destijds is het niet tot een publicatie gekomen. De verzamelde interviews werden in bewaring gegeven bij Fonds Suzan Daniels. Op intitiatief van dit homo/lesbisch archief zijn de levensverhalen nu alsnog samengebracht in dit boekje, met commentaar en analyses van de auteurs/redacteuren.

signatuur: cat. (david-a/mey) b


Oud = Out : Ervaringen van lesbische en biseksuele vrouwen, geboren voor 1945
cat. (david-a/mey) b ODE3
Ann David en Mips Meyntjens.

Loneliness Among Older Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults : The Role of Minority Stress  / Lisette Kuyper, Tineke Fokkema.

Archives of Sexual Behavior, 39 (2010) 5 (sep), p. 1171-1180
bron: Archives of Sexual Behavior jaargang: 39 (2010) 5 (sep), p. 1171-1180
samenvatting: Past research has consistently found that aging lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals (LGBs) are more apt to suffer from loneliness than their heterosexual counterparts. Data from the 2002 Gay Autumn survey (N = 122) were used to find out whether minority stress relates to higher levels of loneliness among older LGB adults in the Netherlands. We examined five minority stress factors: external objective stressful events, expectations of those events, internalized homonegativity, hiding and concealment of one?s LGB identity, and ameliorating processes. The results showed that greater insight into loneliness among older LGB adults was obtained when minority stress factors were considered. Older LGB adults who had experienced negative reactions, as well as aging LGBs who expected those reactions, had the highest levels of loneliness. Having an LGB social network buffered against the impact of minority stress. These minority stress processes added to the variance already explained by general factors that influenced levels of loneliness (partner relationships, general social network, physical health, and self-esteem). Interventions aimed at decreasing feelings of loneliness among older LGBs should be focused on decreasing societal homonegativity (to decrease the amount of negative and prejudiced reactions) and on the enhancement of social activities for LGB elderly.

signatuur: dgb artikelen

Loneliness Among Older Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Adults : The Role of Minority Stress
dgb artikelen
Lisette Kuyper, Tineke Fokkema.
Archives of Sexual Behavior

'Stuck in the quagmire of an HIV ghetto' : the meaning of stigma in the lives of older black gay and bisexual men living with HIV in New York City  / Rahwa Haile, Mark B. Padilla, Edith A. Parker.

Culture, Health and Sexuality, 13 (2011) 4 (april), p. 429-442
bron: Culture, Health and Sexuality jaargang: 13 (2011) 4 (april), p. 429-442
samenvatting: In this paper, we analyse the life history narratives of 10 poor gay and bisexual Black men over the age of 50 living with HIV/AIDS in New York City, focusing on experiences of stigma. Three overarching themes are identified. First, participants described the ways in which stigma marks them as 'just one more body' within social and medical institutions, emphasising the dehumanisation they experience in these settings. Second, respondents described the process of 'knowing your place' within social hierarchies as a means through which they are rendered tolerable. Finally, interviewees described the dynamics of stigma as all-consuming, relegating them to the 'quagmire of an HIV ghetto'. These findings emphasise that despite advances in treatment and an aging population of persons living with HIV, entrenched social stigmas continue to endanger the well-being of Black men who have sex with men.

signatuur: ts.

dgb artikelen (haile/pad)

'Stuck in the quagmire of an HIV ghetto' : the meaning of stigma in the lives of older black gay and bisexual men living with HIV in New York City
ts. dgb artikelen (haile/pad)
Rahwa Haile, Mark B. Padilla, Edith A. Parker.
Culture, Health and Sexuality

Roze belweek  / Mieke Stessens, Sharmila Madhvani, Hannelore Goossens ; Mike Mills.

Zizo, 18 (2011) 115 (sept/okt), p. 18-25
bron: Zizo jaargang: 18 (2011) 115 (sept/okt), p. 18-25
samenvatting: Van 24 september 2011 tot 1 oktober 2011 wordt de Roze Belweek gehouden. In die week kunnen homoseksuele ouderen én familieleden, vrienden en hulpverleners via 0800-99533 (gratis) hun ideeën kwijt. Doel is meer inzicht krijgen in de belevingswereld en gevoeligheden van deze 50-plussers. Hier worden vier artikelen ondergebracht oa. een interview met Mike Mills over zijn film Beginners.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Roze belweek
ts. dgb periodieken
Mieke Stessens, Sharmila Madhvani, Hannelore Goossens ; Mike Mills.


( DE:"biseksuele ouderen" )

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